Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden's burial @ sea does not follow Islamic tradition or law!

This is from CNN:

"Osama bin Laden's body was buried at sea according to Islamic law because no country was willing or able to take his body for burial on land, senior Defense officials said.  "When there is no land alternative, Islamic law dictates that the body be buried within 24 hours, and that was the basis," one official said."  A second senior Defense official said there was no country willing or able to accept the body for burial, and U.S. forces "took pains to observe Muslim law.""
What?  How about an unmarked grave somewhere?  How about after proper preparation for burial, taking his body in the middle of the night and bury it anywhere in Pakistan?  No land alternative?  Come on.  There is no land alternative when the deceased dies on a ship and land is more than 24 hours away.  That's not what happened here.  What the administration is saying regarding Islamic tradition and law is not accurate.  They just did not want to bury him on land, preventing any chance of the site being identified.  That's all and that's if they really killed him!         

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